Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Will Wait If You Want Me To.

Waiting for an answer could be unbearable. Why? because you are waiting. The problem for a non-reply question is it will fully depend on your own interpretation, or your own assumption. It could be yes or no, do or don't. You will think whether you should take the next step or retreat. If the answer is obvious and clear only then you can make a choice, a decision. But with the 50-50 possibility, you have to be wise and patient.
The answer will come or it will not come at all. It will take time to reach the destination or it will not at all. The assumption is worthwhile because it give you hope to face the situation for you not to give up in searching for the answer. Contrarily, it will slow down the tempo which for me is strategically use for the benefit of the questioner and the one who have the answer. It could be many factor why you can't get the answer, maybe because the answer is not to be leak out, maybe because it is a secret or maybe because you are not deserve to be answered. The waiting is like when you are kept in a small room without window, light and door, food etc. It is like you are waiting to die slowly and slowly when the oxygen in the small room is fully used.
But for me,,this sometime could be interesting as long as the answer reach the destination. If it is not after 100 years of waiting,, then my assumption would be very different. A wait is a wait,,but nobody will wait forever because there are much more things to do...see you then...=)  

Monday, June 27, 2011

Total CRAP

Pretty tough time huh,,well for me it's about meeting the expectation as a new job seeker. The thing is that in my hometown, there is not much opportunity to begin with a high salary as i expected. And you know what, the expectation will sometime kill the spirit of the idealist like me. I have much more option if i am willing to travel to the other side of the world,,but i am not. It is not because i am unambitious, but it is because i am not ready to leave my "home". Its kinda stupid but that is who i am. i am a man of plan, always a man of plan. If you seeing the view as what it is, then i will see it differently because that what makes me "me".
Ok,,back to the job seeker story. I have much option in term of temporary job,,at least that is what i think. But the problem is how can i handle the societal view,,actually in the most accurate meaning that i want to say is the family point of view. What will my uncle say,what will my grandmother say, what will my mom say. That kinda things sometime will disturb my emotion and jeopardize my willingness to work at the low end salary. But after a careful thought and review from my conscious mind i have decided that i will take the challenge of working at the low end salary. I don't care about high salary that my friend receive or how they are happy working at the government office. This is about proving myself. The unacceptable basic salary payment that i will receive if i work at this stupid company will be a factor that i believe will burn my desire to earn more. The low salary is a total humiliation, but i have a mission here. I always believe that no one deserve to earn less than the others,,not at the ridiculous payment of RM 600 per month. This is total crap!!.
There will be, and always be someone who will make it a laugh and a joke....but i don't care...    

Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Zealand???

Woo..kalau lu orang dapat peluang further study kat New Zealand lu orang nak pergi ke??? sebelum tu lu orang klik video kat bawah nie,,sambil2 baca sambil2 dengar lagu la ye tak...

Gua rasa majoriti dari korang semua akan cakap "Yes"...tapi pada gua,,gua berbelah bagi la nak pegi sana ke taknak. Gua baru je nak establish gua punya "kaki" kat Batu Pahat,,takkan dah nak suruh gua pegi sana kot. Untuk pengetahuan you all semua,,gua dapat peluang nie bukan sebab gua nie pandai ke ape ke tapi sebab cable. Yes,,CABLE ok. Bapak gua yang tak penah2 bincang dengan gua pasal study oversea nie tetiba je masuk bilik gua and suruh gua pikir bebaik pasal further study kat NZ. Memang la gua taw bukan semua dapat peluang study kat NZ tapi.....
Dalam perbualan gua dgn dia cam biasa la dia citer pasal anak dia,,abang lan gua tu plak yang dulu study kat U.S.A sekarang nak pegi Abu Dhabi..adoii,,nie yang gua malas nie bila dia comparekan gua dengan lan. Tapi nak wat camner kan,,lan tu pandai xpayah guna cable pon dia boleh pegi oversea. Bila comparekan gua dengan dia memang banyak giler la bezanya.Gua nie dh la malas belajar,,suka ikut kepala sendiri plak tu...dengan sifat2 yang macam nie boleh ke gua berjaya kat NZ kalau gua pegi sana?? memang tak la beb...lepas tu nak comparekan gua dengan member gua yang blajar kat Australia plak..memang gua buat muka ketat je la time tu,,gua just cakap "tengok la nanti" dalam 2-3 kali gak la sambil dia tepuk belakang gua 5-6 kali,,mungkin sebab abah gua taw gua nie keras hati skit...sepatutnya perjumpaan gua dengan counselor gua dah diarrangekan pagi tadi nak bincang pasal further study nie tapi gua tak pegi pon..
Tapi papehal pon,,gua kena pikir mende nie dulu...and kemungkinan besar gua takkan pegi..chow!!